Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog (hats off to 'Blogging for Dummies' for teaching this dummy how to....you know!).

I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.

So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.

I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.

I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.

......Wish me luck!!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas All!!!

Well here it be!! Santa is dusting off his sleigh; and Rudolph, Donner, Blitzen, Jim-bob, John-boy and Grandpa are having their last carrots before their whistle-stop tour around the world (anyone who wants a laugh - and anyone who has kids that haven't discovered it yet - check out Norad santa; it's brilliant, plus it is a cast iron way of getting the kids to bed before midnight!).......

Monday, 19 December 2011


Do you remember the time I had the equivalent of two Chinese takeaways in one Saturday evening, and I had to obey the rules and tell you all about it? Well, here's another one comin' atcha!
It wasn't a terrifically bad week, until the weekend hit. Essentially it was a big dinner on Saturday night, with a 'gu' dessert (I think 'gu' might well be Swedish for 'diet???......don't think so!!') for pud. On Sunday the slippery slope continued, when I polished off an entire box of Miniature Heroes (I left out the eclairs, not for health reasons, just because I didn't like them), then after dinner (not too bad, turkey mince, mushrooms, rice) I really excelled myself and polished off 4 (yes....four) pieces of cheesecake. In my meagre defence, they were part of a cheesecake selection, which meant they were a fair bit smaller than 'usual'; but make no mistake, four of them is very very not good.
Add to this the fact that the only exercise I have done this week has been a bit of social badminton (the promised run on Sunday never happened), it's all pretty shocking isn't it? To be honest, typing it, I have shocked myself.
So I hear you all asking why.....(pause for effect)......and I do know why, but I stress that none of what I am about to say justifies what I did..........

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Weigh in (26)

Well good golly miss molly, if it hasn't been a half a year since this blog kicked off; where has the time gone? Where has the weight gone come to that?!! All in all it has been a great 26 weeks, and the success is testament to the theory (rum?) that in order to achieve a seemingly impossibly enormous task, you just break it down; and fight one battle at a time, one day at a time. Doing that, I have suddenly found myself two stone lighter than I was when I started. It's just a shame that to celebrate this anniversary I have put on 6 pounds.........

.....just kidding!!

The weight continues to ebb away; I am now at 16 stone 10 pounds dead on, an official loss of 1 pound (actual 1.2). To be quite honest with you, I'm not sure what it is I am doing right these days; the Wii Fit has been giving me mournful neglected looks recently, and with the exception of a few badminton matches there has been very little exercise going on at all (although I did kick some ass at the last match)........

Monday, 12 December 2011


It's quite exciting having a look at the 'stats' section of this blog (for writer's eyes only, sorry) and seeing the countries from which people have had a look. Now ok, they may have stumbled on here looking for the person who is trying to lose weight in order to secure a position as a butler (Fat Man To Footman), or the fella training to be an assassin (Fit Man To Hit Man), or even the bloke who heroically fought back to health after a piano fell on him (Flat Man to Fit Man); but on the off-chance that some of them are - and will hopefully remain - genuine readers, I would like to say.....

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Weigh in (25)

Well, less than a week after I go on about how 'I tend to know whether I have lost or gained weight without having to get on the scales, and am never surprised', what happens?? I got on the scales feeling sure that I had gained weight, and I was surprised!! Now 16 stone 11 pounds, 1 pound off (actual, 1.2)!
I am sat here trying to justify the weight loss, but am coming up with very little. I have been extremely light on the exercise this week; one session on the Wii Fit and that's it. Badminton social on Friday night was missed in favour of the works Christmas do (three-course festive menu which could hardly be called healthy). I also managed to knacker my foot that evening which has prevented any further exercise for the week; it also stopped me from going to the badminton Christmas do, for which I was rather gutted. Still, it prevented me from having another gut-busting Christmas dinner, and I felt justified by treating myself and my gammy foot to a chicken fried rice and crawn prackers. 
I think two things are happening here, Firstly, I have got more than a bit lucky, and secondly the revenge for some of the sins this week may well be visited upon me next Tuesday, but right now I don't give a monkeys; it is now a grand total of 2 stone off......that's 2.....count them.......1.......2 stone!
Although I have never set myself a 'weight target', I think I would be happy losing another 2 and sticking in the late 14 stoneys (it must have been secondary school when I was anywhere around there). Therefore, weight-wise, we are at the halfway point. Considering the difference on the howgoodyoufeel-o-meter between now and the start of this blog (half year anniversary next Tuesday), it is hard to believe what another 2 stone will do for me; but I am VERY keen to find out!
This is also a sad moment - for some - as I now feel it is safe enough to say goodbye to the chip banner on top of this blog. We all like chips; and chips, please believe me when I say, I will return, but for now we must have some time apart. I will be searching the image gallery on google for a suitable alternative (steak and kidney pie?????...........), but if anyone has any suggestions, I would be happy to ign......errrr.......hear them!!
I am determined to get my head down this week and truly lodge myself into the 16's (nothing worse than achieving a milestone, then going past it in the wrong direction); the gammy foot is still a bit gammy, so I've really got to watch the gobbling. Keep it going Blaydon.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Less Is More

An interesting side-effect of the weight loss is beginning to dawn on me, and it will not surprise you to learn that it is a positive side-effect (is there a negative one?!). I am finding that as there continues to be less of me to go around, there appears to be increasingly more of me to go around. I will try to explain...
This time of year is right in the middle of what I term the 'silly season', as it incorporates a Halloween party down in Oxfordshire, bonfire night in Stockport, and then the build-up - in all it's finery - to Christmas, as well as Christmas itself of course. I tend to be fairly key to all four of these events, and as a result my energy levels by this time are usually something akin to a cadaver. My mentality when this happens is to scream 'RETREEEEEAT' at the top of my voice, head for the comfort of my house, and with the exception of things I HAVE to do; cut myself off from the world outside. As a result, I stop going to badminton socials, I pull out of badminton matches, and I dread the Christmas do's which I just see as 'getting in the way' of my withdrawal. It is not as dreadful as it sounds, and I assure you I resort to this purely as a means of survival to preserve what little I have left of my energy levels......

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Perfect Moments - Coming Home

I am a lucky fella. Born to two excellent parents, and as a result of this; brought up both with - in my humble opinion - a good education, and good morals. Throughout school and university, all my family, and particularly Mum and Dad, were there to encourage me to find my way. For this I will always be grateful. That said, these 'brunging up' years, although exciting, were also in a lot of ways, formulaic. The primary school-secondary school-higher education process was something which all my (five) siblings had done before me; and as a result, at no point did I so much as question whether I would do the same; I just did!
Let me stress here that this is not a gripe, far from it. There was an immense sense of comfort, imperceptible at the time, which comes from 'knowing what comes next'; the only dilemma being which subjects to choose, and which to drop (for example - ART in third year secondary school; dropped like a hot potato when my report from Herbie Hancock diplomatically said 'tries hard but has limited ability'; but I think we all know what the teacher translation is for that don't we?!). Sooner or later, the line which everyone follows, ends; and you are in total control of how it continues. My first bona fide, totally independent act is the subject of this post.......