Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog (hats off to 'Blogging for Dummies' for teaching this dummy how to....you know!).

I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.

So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.

I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.

I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.

......Wish me luck!!

Friday, 30 March 2012

Perfect Moments - 'R' (part one)

Distance trained so far (20.6 miles)
Yes I know the phrase 'subject of the month' has become a bit of a joke; especially as the first of this particular run of stories was posted on 11th November! This may well be the last; but to finish with a flourish, this is a goodie (Tim Brooke Taylor); and what's more you are getting two moments for the price of one post (two goodies! Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden); you lucky people. R is a letter, and a person; a she person (or as we say in England; a woman!). You may ask why I am not giving her full name; well, it's to protect the innocent. She is a very private person who doesn't like publicity, and I respect that, but I am a storyteller, and my story must be told (in Germany I'm Johann, in England I am John!!!).
R and I (??!) actually first met in the late 1990's, and although we were friends we never really had the opportunity or inclination to get to know each other well. I moved around a bit over the next few years and met her again around 2003-ish; this time the fates decided we would spend more time together and get to know each other very well. I am loathed to use the phrase 'one thing led to another' but you get the gist, as we ended up as 'an item'.
The relationship was not without its challenges. I was used to my own space and doing my own thing, and R was mother to three boys and there was an age gap which although not mattering to me seemed to be significant to some. Despite these difficulties, we fell in love with each other hook, line and the sinkiest of sinkers. She was lovely (and for the record, she still is!).
On reflection, there were so many moments during our time together which I could cite as perfect; but the first of 'the two' took place at Blenheim Palace. I am surely not alone in experiencing the 'routine' of a relationship; the day-to-day running of things. As a couple, it happens; and when one of that couple has three children, it happens a lot. Sleeping, going to work, eating, chatting to the boys, snuggling, sleeping. Don't get me wrong, it was a VERY nice routine (particularly the snuggling!); but R and I strived (strove?) as often as possible to get away from it all; either for the day, or in this particular instance, for a long weekend in Oxfordshire.
If I may say so myself, I am a bit of a whizz when it comes to picnics (hushhhhh.....the secret is in loading it with more items than can possibly be eaten by its participants.......during their entire life); so armed - or rather shouldered - with one of the best Christmas presents I have ever been bought (picnic rucksack) we trudged off to Woodstock village and snuck (past tense of sneak?) through the side gate known only to a select few (for a small fee I can divulge) into Blenheim's beautiful grounds.
Life is busy, full of noise, hassle and movement, but on that day I found peace; well, peace was thrust upon me! Walking hand in hand with the woman I loved, sat on a picnic blanket eating heaven knows what, lying back on a rucksack-pillow and enjoying the lovely views, the lovely company and the lovely sunshine. Was this perfect? Probably. In fact some I am sure will say this is a darned sight more perfect than what my 'perfect moment'. I popped off for some reason - think it might have been to check admission prices for the house itself - and as I walked back to where R stood, I had this overwhelming urge to run after her and 'attack' her (no, not in that way!). R must have seen it in my eyes because as soon as I started to run, so did she! Then ensued what turned out to be a pursuit which went over much of the grounds and gardens (yes, she is a faster runner than me). People were watching (happy to report that they were also smiling) but we didn't care; we felt free and loved it. Have you ever tried laughing while you are running? It is highly recommended. The sheer ridiculousness of being out of breath while using what little you have to giggle just makes you giggle all the more. I tell you, they were such, SUCH happy times; perfect times.

to save this from becoming a record-long blog post, perfect moment number two coming up next........


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