Not good, not good; but I promised to be honest so here goes. Sorry I'm a day late in posting this week; I did weigh in yesterday, but I was out and about last night so didn't get the chance. Forgive me!!
One pound on this week. I can't say I'm totally surprised; it's a been a funny week all in all. Things have gone a little bit mad workwise (tonight finds me in bed before having to be up and on the road by 3:30am for a 9:30am meeting in Dorset), resulting in me being pretty tired, resulting in not maintaining vigilance over what I am chucking down my throat. No major binges, and no fast food; just what I think is a lot of little things. That bit more marge on my bread; and for that matter, more bread (I've started to have a couple of slices with dinner), the odd cheeky jam sandwich before going to bed. Then there's the sausage factor......nope, it's not a pornographic version of the Krypton Factor, in actual fact it is my inability not to eat a whole pack of eight bangers in one sitting. It goes like this; defrost them all, cook them all....when cooked, sneak one of them into a slice of bread with some ketchup (one down, seven to go). Then five with my dinner (six down, two to go). Then one usually goes somewhere between the end of dinner and bedtime, with the final one taken upstairs for a decadant 'in bed' snack.
The weird thing, is that until recently, I thought that this could be considered part of a healthy lifestyle! Our survey said............EEEEEEEEEEE ERRRRRRRR. Won't happen again, I promise. I have to admit, my willpower is never going to overcome the sight of some lonely looking cooked sausages (are you thinking what I'm thinking??) so I will split the pack into two lots of four, which means all I will defrost, is four, all I will cook, is four, and all I will see where I am going with this dontcha??!!
So vigilant man is back on watch. Tomorrow is going to be a tough day, a total of ten hours on the road (shouldn't there be a law stopping you from spending more time driving than at the destination you are driving to?!!!). The temptation will be to sin my arse off (technical term) when I get back, so I will defrost some spinachy rice and chicken breasts to do when I get back. No naughties!
So in case you aren't paying attention, I am now at 18 stone dead; personally I like the idea of breaking into the 17 stones again!
Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog (hats off to 'Blogging for Dummies' for teaching this dummy how know!).
I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.
So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.
I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.
I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.
......Wish me luck!!
I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.
So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.
I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.
I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.
......Wish me luck!!
All in all ... not bad I think! At least you are aware of the sausage tendency, and the bread sneaking it's way in. You're doing so well, that on the days you're working so crazily, be gentle on yourself, do something nurturing, and give yourself a big hug. At least you get to crack the 17 stone barrier TWICE! Hee, hee! A x.
Thanks chuck; great advice, with only one exception. Giving myself a hug doesn't feel very nurturing; it just feels like I'm wearing an invisible strait jacket.........or is that what you are hinting at?? XX
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