Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog (hats off to 'Blogging for Dummies' for teaching this dummy how to....you know!).

I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.

So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.

I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.

I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.

......Wish me luck!!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Weigh in (35)

I opened the fridge this morning, and I found a big block of cheese....and it was off....

Once I had made it into work I made a list of things to do today, and am slowly ticking them off.....

After work I think I will pop out and sort out the hedge at the back of the house, there are a number of big branches which need hacking off.....

......you see where this is going don't you?!

Yes, cheese(d) off, ticked off and hacked off (could have been worse). Add to this a starter of angry, a sour main course of annoyed and three scoops of upset, that about sums it up really. Despite exercising three times this week, I've put on two pounds. CRAP! Back to my old favourite of 16 stone 12 pounds (hello there! I've not seen you for at least a fortnight! How have you been?)
It was one of those cases of slow realisation; starting with utter shock at the fact that I had put on weight; followed by - once I had thrown my rattle out of the pram, not to mention bashing it on the side of the pram several times - thinking about what I had consumed over the last week. The Chinese takeaway on Saturday night was not the best thing to be eating, but to be honest I have lost weight in weeks when I have had one, and considering the amount of exercise I have done I thought I would be able to get away with it. Then, the penny dropped.........one word.......five letters.....................................


On Saturday morning I had a couple of slices of thick-sliced white bread left in the cupboard; Sunday morning I had my Tesco's online (how decadent!) delivery, and Mr Tesco-man brought two loaves with him; one went into the freezer, the other for the cupboard. I am ashamed to say that by the end of Tuesday I was already defrosting the second loaf. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW; bad bad BAD ADRIAN, NAUGHTY ADRIAN. I can't quite believe how I put that much bread away in such a short space of time, but on reflection I appear to have had a lot of 'cook something and make a sandwich out of it' meals. In a nutshell; lazy cooking.
I mulled over it further, and more pennies started to drop. I could not explain why I played really well in the badminton match on Friday, and really badly last night. I've been feeling tired the last few days, and for some reason my trousers are starting to 'dig in' round the waist ever so slightly. I googled the question 'what happens when you eat too much bread?' and the reply was 'you put on weight ('plink'), you feel bloated ('plonk') and your energy levels reduce considerably ('plunk'). You really don't have to be Gregory House to work that one out do you?! 
I am so annoyed with myself (does it show?). I totally lost track of what I was eating, and relied far too heavily on the fact I had lots of exercise to compensate for my excesses. It is not good when reflecting on what I have eaten comes as a surprise to me; it's like it didn't register as I was doing it. This sort of eating is what got me to nineteen stone plus in the first place.
However (you will be relieved to hear that word no doubt), it is stopping this sort of eating which has got me to sixteen stone ten; so I know I can do it. I have shown myself to be naive this week, but I have only to look back to my more successful weeks to show me what to do; eat healthy and exercise is not a choice, it is a package deal. I would like to cut out bread from my diet completely; but 'stuff' on toast is a simple and quick 'go-to' meal on nights where proper cooking is just not going to happen. So I will allow myself that; but sandwiches are a definite no-no.
Frustrating though it may be, it is not the end of the world by any means. We'll take this week one meal at a time, being very aware of what I am shoving down my cakehole. Whatever happens this week I am going to be VERY nervous at next Tuesday's weigh in!


Wee_Ali said... Reply to comment

Shame that bread's so quick and easy, and yet results in us feeling shit! But glad the awareness has kicked in, and that mindful eating has returned! Can I make a quick suggestion ... if in need of a snack, as we sometimes are, I find a combination of fresh fruit and a few nuts perfect - sugar and protein - the sugar for the obvious energy, but its release into the body is slowed by the protein in the nuts, so it sustains you for longer. Similarly, you could have bread/jam with a few nuts - won't need so much of the carb-high bread as the nuts will help it go further. Sorry ... don't want to teach you to suck eggs (oh, that could be a really slow process, so maybe try it!!) but thought it worth a mention.
Also, don't forget that muscle weighs 3x fat, so the increased weight could also be the vast increases in muscle this week. Bit of a long shot, but worth knowing!
Keep going, you're doing great, and the current plateau you are on has a big slope down at the end, and sooner or later you will start to go down it, and on the way to being in the 15's!!
W-A x.

Adyblady said... Reply to comment

Thanks my luvvy, it has certainly been a tricky time over the last month or so; got my dentists operation on Wednesday too (under general anaesthetic, should be interesting) so that's a bit distracting too. I will get the nuts in (takes one to know one). Any ideas for quick meals that don't involve anything on toast? Would be great to have a bread free couple of weeks and see what happens! xx

Wee_Ali said... Reply to comment

Have been thinking about the quick meals not involving bread question ... ideas: soup, preferably with protein in (lentil, chicken), oatcakes and hummus (sp?), jacket potato with beans/tuna/whatever (only takes 4 mins in the microwave), or you could try a different type of bread - granary or seed, as they're lower in sugars and higher in protein/fibre so sustain you longer and so you need less of it. If I think of other things, will let you know :-) Good luck on Wed ... and with the weigh-in this week. W-A x.

Adyblady said... Reply to comment

Amazing isn't it?!! I was thinking that I couldn't think of a thing to think of to have a quickie (??!) without it involving bread; and you have opened up a dormant world to me! All great ideas; particularly the baked spuds, just need to ensure I don't end up blobbing half a stone of margarine on top of it (would you believe I used to do that and still think I was eating healthily?!!) xx

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