Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog (hats off to 'Blogging for Dummies' for teaching this dummy how to....you know!).

I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.

So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.

I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.

I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.

......Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Countdown...........the run!!! (part 1)

Yes ladies and gentlemen....and Wee Ali (ooooh, I'm gonna suffer for that one); it's one down and two to go! What follows is a true account of the hours leading up to the start of, the Great (and of course as I was in it, the GREATEST) Manchester Run 2012.......
True to plan, I was sat in my jim-jams polishing off several bowls of pasta and cream cheese on Saturday night; I also managed to get to bed at a reasonable hour.........really I did! Slept pretty well too. I tend to be very lucky in that no matter how stressed out life can be, it rarely interferes with my ability to get a good night's kip. Sadly, when waking up to the dulcet tones of Aled Jones (on Radio 2; not sat at the bottom of my bed) I realised all was not well (nothing to do with Mr. Jones I would like to stress). I won't - for which you will be eternally grateful, I know - go into the gruesome details; but a combination of nerves and overdoing the pasta had my guts in a right state. Now, I am far from an expert in such things, but I don't think this is the best way to start a running day; do you??! (no jokes about 'the runs' please!.....oops, too late!).........

I'll be honest; Sunday morning was rather a surreal experience. With so many thoughts flying through my head I just couldn't keep still. Checking the start time, checking the assembly time, working backwards from there to make sure I left in plenty of time, taking enough clothing to keep warm before the race, but not too many that I end up loading my sister with too many bags, don't forget the timing chip, don't forget my race number, don't forget the details of where to go, don't forget to take all my bits (drinks, plasters, Vaseline (chub rub!), Neurofen, running shoes (now forgetting those WOULD have been funny......not!), safety pins, bananas, mobile phone, four calling birds, three french hens.......), oh....and don't forget...........relax!!
On a positive note about the dodgy Sunday morn belly, at least it did force me to sit down from time to time......to time.......to time.......to time..........
One particular item which caused me consternation was sourcing safety pins; used to stick your race number to your chest (make that, to your running top......ouch!). Who the hell has them?? Where do you buy them???!! (why do I get the feeling that you are all saying 'I have them, and you can buy them in a supermarket'.......know-it-alls! well I couldn't find the sodding things, despite trying all week!!). In the end a desperate text message was sent on Saturday morning to my sister to bring some with her. She came through in fine style with pins a-plenty!
The time of departure upon me, a quick last check that everything I needed was in the rucksack, and off I went. Unfortunately I had driven three miles towards Radcliffe tram station before I realised I had forgotten the rucksack (just kidding; even I wouldn't be THAT stupid!......hmmmm). It was on arrival at the station that the immensity of what I was about to do struck me, as it was rammed (trammed?) with runners! As we all crammed (trammed?) ourselves into the carriage it felt like the Piccadilly line at rush hour.
It is difficult to put across the 'feel' of participating in an event like this. I don't think I have ever known an atmosphere so positive. Think about it. If you are running you are doing so for your own personal experience, for a charity, running in the name of somebody, or maybe all of the above. If you are not running, you are there to support someone who is; or maybe you have just come along to offer your support to everyone and enjoy the day. Whatever the reasons, there is not one negative vibe among them. As we neared the mass of people milling round the start, you could just sense the build-up of this life-affirming energy. Speaking as someone who tries - and I flatter myself usually succeeds - in living positively, I have never felt more at home in such an unusual environment. It was truly brilliant.
We (big sis and me) had a fair bit of time to kick our heels before the start of the 'pink wave'. So had a wander round and enjoyed the buzz; finishing up at the charity village at the old G-Mex (now got a different name, but google image it if you want a look). It was hear that the final preparations were made; quick photo, quick banana, running shoes on, plasters attached, lubrication applied (??!), painkillers chugged down, fresh bottle of energy drink in hand, and of course, the solemn ritual known as 'attachment of number' (it was my sister who did it, in the foyer, with the safety pin!). At this point the nerves were starting to jangle, until Clare turned me round and told me to look ahead of me; where I saw what I can only describe as a humongous barrel.....full of........SAFETY PINS!! I couldn't believe it, but I did laugh!!
Time was cracking on freakishly quickly, and before I knew it I was weighing sis - shall we call her by her name?....oh go on then - Clare down with all my pre-run clothes and waving her goodbye to head for 'pink start' (me) and get to a vantage point for the start (her). We had already gone through so many 'waves' (white, blue, orange, green, red, magenta, cyan (he looks handsome, he looks smart..he is a walking work of aaaaaaart...such a dazzling start of many colours....!!)) I was not prepared for the throng which appeared before me; even more surreal as they were going through a warm up with Roy and Christina (you know, good old Roy and Chrissy?!!), waving their hands in the air like they just don't care. Wading through everyone, I eventually found a space down one of the side roads, and there we all stood (hands waving, Roy barking out orders) for the next twenty minutes.....waiting.
I confess I went a bit quiet at this stage. On went the Ipod, playing the most inspirational ('this is the time, this is the day that we've been waiting for, all the world has come to watch you shine') and energetic songs ('stop the rock, can't stop the rock') of my collection. I closed my eyes and calmed myself; listened to the songs, found peace amongst all that buzz. It felt good. Although what lay ahead of me was an unknown, I was ready for it. As I opened my eyes there was no fear; just focus.
After what seemed like an eternity we started to move slowly forward, and I knew that the next time I stopped would be after the finish line. The start approaching, I passed Clare who gave me a cheer; I am also proud to admit that in passing the Stockport County mascot - Vernon the bear (and no, I wasn't hallucinating......I don't think) I got some strange - and worried - looks when I gave him a solo chorus of 'The Scarf My Father Wore'!!
50 yards away, I turned to the people on my left and right; shook their hands with a smile and a 'good luck'.
20 yards from the start line, a slow walk became a quick walk, then, a skip, a trot, and then blow me if I didn't start running..........


Wee_Ali said... Reply to comment

True to your word ... you posted (at last!). Excellent description of an excellent day. Well done! Look forward to part 2 (please don't make me wait too long!).
W-A x.

Adyblady said... Reply to comment

@Wee_Ali How's a week on Sunday do you?!!.....
.....just kidding; gym tonight then will be posting when I get home, promise......!
Also true to my word; I have right knacked up my slideshows too.

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