Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog (hats off to 'Blogging for Dummies' for teaching this dummy how to....you know!).

I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.

So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.

I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.

I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.

......Wish me luck!!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

HO HO HO!!!! - Movies

If you recall a previous subject of the month where I gave you my top five films of all time, there was a proviso inserted (and boy did it make my eyes water) that Christmas movies would be omitted. Yes, it was a total cheat so that through those posts and this one, I can cover more of one my favourite subjects......fillums!!

Each year come beginning of December, most people trudge up to their attic, down to their cellar, or out to their shed to bring down, up or in the boxed-up Christmas decorations. I am no different, but buried in the box underneath the tinsel and baubles is my collection of Christmas DVD's; of all the Christmas adornments these, for me, are the most precious.

It is always my intention to watch them all during the big day build-up; but sadly some usually get missed out due to the fact that I spend so long saving them for later that there are no longer enough hours in the days before Christmas to watch them, even if I do so back-to-back with scarcely a loo break in between. Certain movies however, I almost HAVE to watch or else it is just not Christmas.

So here they are; the Adrian Christmas film collection. Like those flicks described before I will try not to give too much away about the plot; or at least I will try and warn you if the spoiler is doing too much spoiling! More time will be given for the must-see films......

Holiday Inn
Don't let the black and white put you off, it is a lovely movie; and the first time - unlike the film of  the same name - we hear Irving Berlin's song 'White Christmas'. Instead of Bing Crosby being paired with Danny Kaye, a considerably younger looking (still big ears though) Bing shares the stage with the great Fred Astaire. There are some tricky, distinctly non-pc moments which whilst acceptable in the 1940's would certainly not be permitted nowadays. If you can see past those little transgressions it is a heart-warming movie of music, dance, peace and yes; true love.

The Holiday
This one crept up on me unexpectedly. Let's be honest here, armed with the front cover of the DVD and the first ten minutes of the film you can probably predict the entire movie from start to finish; but surely the fact that I like to watch it year after year renders that irrelevant? Two unlucky in love women (one in America, the other in Surrey) agree to a house swap, and guess what these two unlucky in LOVE ladies go on to find?!!! Care to take a wild guess?!
I love it. Love the predictable ending, love the sweet old man living next door, love the woman who is a leading lady but plays the part of the best friend (great line), love Jack Black singing film theme tunes at the top of his voice in the middle of a video store, love the woman adjusting to Surrey village traffic, love the love stories, but most of all I love the insight into bad relationships which are allowed to perpetuate even though the badness is as plain as the nose on Jack Black and Kate Winslett's faces.

"Amanda Woods........welcome back!!!!"

Bernard and the Genie
Hard to find on DVD; Lenny Henry as the genie in a slightly surreal but charming made-for-TV, BBC movie. Rowan Atkinson is fantastic as the nasty boss, plus lots of star cameos appearing unexpectedly to make you - ok, me! - giggle. Written by Richard Curtis which is as good a reference as it needs really.

Love, Actually
Do you know, I only just realised; I have two Christmas movies in this collection which are written by Richard Curtis; meet number two. This one being much more famous.
Eight stories of love in all its many guises; love lost, unrequited love, lust, love betrayed, love which conquers all, love when you least expect it, simple love and love prevented. Whatever story you relate to the most (possibly more than one) there is something there for everybody, and it is a true tour de force of British acting.
So what is the story I relate to the most? I love all of them, but I think the unrequited one is quite beautiful, and something I have had experience of. When you watch it, look for the moment when the secret is finally out, and he walks out of the house, turns to walk back in and talk to her, turns to walk away, turns back to the house, finally resolving to leave. It is brilliantly done, and although a wordless piece of action it speaks volumes. I can hear exactly what he is saying.
....."Enough..........enough now........."

Set in the city of Coventry - a place I have lived over a decade of my life - it is a low budget movie starring Martin Freeman (star of the 'simple love' story above), but don't let the lack of special effects and venue put you off. You have got to be a pretty cold fish not to be touched by this movie about a primary school teacher who ties himself in knots by making his school believe that Hollywood are coming to see their Nativity play (yes; you heard me right).
You're right, disbelief has to be somewhat suspended; but not as much as you might think. The reading of the letters to Santa is truly heart-breaking (I am not a pretty sight at this point.....even worse than usual!), but if you aren't clapping and cheering during the play within the film then there is something wrong with you.
They've released a sequel this week, but it will have to be pretty blummin' good to hold a candle to the original!

The Family Man
I have never been a big fan of Nicholas Cage, on the other hand for most of this film he is married to Tea Leoni (every cloud.....). A rich, single businessman who 'has everything' is given a glimpse by the fantastic Don Cheadle; a glimpse of what his life would have been like if.......well......that is what he needs to find out. He wakes up married with two children, an outrageous mortgage and a career which is far removed from Wall Street. This couldn't possibly be a life he would prefer could it?.......could it???!!
Predictable - again - it might be, but does that make it less enjoyable? Nope!! A story when someone learns the true meaning of love and happiness is never a waste of time in my opinion; it is to be celebrated. The moment at the airport when he shouts across at the wife he should have had gives me goosebumps (warning - might well be overstepping the 'giving too much away about the story' boundary here)....
"We have a house in Jersey. We have two kids, Annie and Josh. Annie's not much of a violin player, but she tries real hard. She's a little precocious, but that's only because she says what's on her mind. And when she smiles... And Josh, he has your eyes. He doesn't say much, but we know he's smart. He's always got his eyes open, he's always watching us. Sometimes you can look at him and you just know he's learning something new. It's like witnessing a miracle. The house is a mess but it's ours. After 122 more payments, it's going to be ours. And you, you're a non-profit lawyer. That's right, you're completely non-profit, but that doesn't seem to bother you. And we're in love. After 13 years of marriage we're still unbelievably in love. You won't even let me touch you until I've said it. I sing to you. Not all the time, but definitely on special occasions. We've dealt with our share of surprises and made a lot of sacrifices but we've stayed together. You see, you're a better person than I am. And it made me a better person to be around you. I don't know, maybe it was just all a dream. Maybe I went to bed one lonely night in December and I imagined it all. But I swear, nothing has ever felt more real. And if you get on that plane right now, it'll disappear forever. I know we could both go on with our lives and we'd both be fine, but I've seen what we could be like together. And I choose us"

The really big ones are yet to come.......!


Wee_Ali said... Reply to comment

Good to have you regularly back writing ... and I will endeavour to be more regular reading it again! Only two comments... firstly, fab news that the weight is stable despite the challenges of the last few weeks. Secondly, did you ever consider a career as a movie critic/salesman? You write such amazing synopses!
Big hugs always, W-A x.
PS. what's your new mobile - been texting/calling but not getting through (or is this a hint!)

Adyblady said... Reply to comment

Hello my dear; it is good to be writing again too. I rank it with going out to a 'do'; really hard to find the motivation to do it, but once I'm in full flow....try and stop me!! I know what you mean about the film critic; I read it back a minute ago and it made me want to watch them all again!
SOOOOO sorry about the incommunicadoness of the last couple of weeks; old mobile number has gone back to the old company and Propak have not sorted out the new one yet so I am mobileless. Heading back up north tonight so will catch up with you soon. Missing chatting to you xx

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