Hello there everyone, and welcome to my blog (hats off to 'Blogging for Dummies' for teaching this dummy how to....you know!).

I am overweight; make that very overweight. I think the technical term is 'morbidly obese'....ouch! Over the last few years I have had a few health warning shots, enough to make me realise that although there is nothing going on with my health that can't be reversed; my time is running out to do something about it before something really bad happens.

So this is my journey to health, and the plan is an ambitious one. I want to lose weight, and I want to get fitter; fit enough to run the Manchester 10k in May of 2012, fit enough to run a half marathon towards the end of 2012, and then fit enough to run the London Marathon in 2013, where the blogging journey will end at the finish line down the Mall.

I write this in the hope that the words and thoughts of both myself and readers can inspire me when the journey gets difficult, then hopefully people can be inspired by my story; believing that the most difficult journey is possible.

I make a promise to you that I will be honest - if the wheels fall off and I have six pizzas in two days, I will come clean - and I will do my very best. Share it with me.

......Wish me luck!!

Saturday 31 March 2012

30th March

Three cinammon and raisin bagels with margarine
Four cups of white coffee, no sugar
Muller fat free yoghurt
One bowl of spinach ricey thing, blob of margarine
Two chicken tikka sandwiches (not shop-bought)
One fruti juice lolly
(no badminton, got a stinking cold!)

(for those of you who haven't read my previous post, this is not a recipe for some disgusting meal, but a daily, true and exact account of my eating and exercising for the week)

Friday 30 March 2012

Perfect Moments - 'R' (part one)

Distance trained so far (20.6 miles)
Yes I know the phrase 'subject of the month' has become a bit of a joke; especially as the first of this particular run of stories was posted on 11th November! This may well be the last; but to finish with a flourish, this is a goodie (Tim Brooke Taylor); and what's more you are getting two moments for the price of one post (two goodies! Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden); you lucky people. R is a letter, and a person; a she person (or as we say in England; a woman!). You may ask why I am not giving her full name; well, it's to protect the innocent. She is a very private person who doesn't like publicity, and I respect that, but I am a storyteller, and my story must be told (in Germany I'm Johann, in England I am John!!!).
R and I (??!) actually first met in the late 1990's, and although we were friends we never really had the opportunity or inclination to get to know each other well. I moved around a bit over the next few years and met her again around 2003-ish; this time the fates decided we would spend more time together and get to know each other very well. I am loathed to use the phrase 'one thing led to another' but you get the gist, as we ended up as 'an item'.
The relationship was not without its challenges. I was used to my own space and doing my own thing, and R was mother to three boys and there was an age gap which although not mattering to me seemed to be significant to some. Despite these difficulties, we fell in love with each other hook, line and the sinkiest of sinkers. She was lovely (and for the record, she still is!).
On reflection, there were so many moments during our time together which I could cite as perfect; but the first of 'the two' took place at Blenheim Palace. I am surely not alone in experiencing the 'routine' of a relationship; the day-to-day running of things. As a couple, it happens; and when one of that couple has three children, it happens a lot. Sleeping, going to work, eating, chatting to the boys, snuggling, sleeping. Don't get me wrong, it was a VERY nice routine (particularly the snuggling!); but R and I strived (strove?) as often as possible to get away from it all; either for the day, or in this particular instance, for a long weekend in Oxfordshire.
If I may say so myself, I am a bit of a whizz when it comes to picnics (hushhhhh.....the secret is in loading it with more items than can possibly be eaten by its participants.......during their entire life); so armed - or rather shouldered - with one of the best Christmas presents I have ever been bought (picnic rucksack) we trudged off to Woodstock village and snuck (past tense of sneak?) through the side gate known only to a select few (for a small fee I can divulge) into Blenheim's beautiful grounds.
Life is busy, full of noise, hassle and movement, but on that day I found peace; well, peace was thrust upon me! Walking hand in hand with the woman I loved, sat on a picnic blanket eating heaven knows what, lying back on a rucksack-pillow and enjoying the lovely views, the lovely company and the lovely sunshine. Was this perfect? Probably. In fact some I am sure will say this is a darned sight more perfect than what my 'perfect moment'. I popped off for some reason - think it might have been to check admission prices for the house itself - and as I walked back to where R stood, I had this overwhelming urge to run after her and 'attack' her (no, not in that way!). R must have seen it in my eyes because as soon as I started to run, so did she! Then ensued what turned out to be a pursuit which went over much of the grounds and gardens (yes, she is a faster runner than me). People were watching (happy to report that they were also smiling) but we didn't care; we felt free and loved it. Have you ever tried laughing while you are running? It is highly recommended. The sheer ridiculousness of being out of breath while using what little you have to giggle just makes you giggle all the more. I tell you, they were such, SUCH happy times; perfect times.

to save this from becoming a record-long blog post, perfect moment number two coming up next........

29th March

Cinammon and raisin bagel with margarine
Four white coffees, no sugar
Ham salad sandwich (no mayo)
Less haricots with tomato coulis, served over two slices of slightly seared bread (beans on toast)
Bowl of spinach ricey thing
Spinach ricey thing in a slice of bread (I know I know)
Muller fat-free yoghurt
2 fruit ice lollies
90 minutes in the gym

Thursday 29 March 2012

28th March

One onion bagel with margarine
One Activia yoghurt drink
Four white coffees, no sugar
A few serving spoons of left-over turkey mince in tomato from night before
Two medium battered haddocks on spinachy rice
Fat-free muller yoghurt
Two small fruit ice lollies

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Weigh in (39)

Distance trained so far (17.8 miles)
Why do I feel I am about to receive the collective anger of the entire readership (both of you) when I say I have put two pounds on? You don't need to say anything, I can just feel it. Now weighing in at 16 stone 13 pounds. Frustrating though it still is, do you want to hear something weird...?.....I don't feel too bad about it!!
No, I have not ceased to care about losing weight (quite the opposite), but I - like anyone else who has read the previous post - kind of expected this outcome (no-exercise-means-no-losey-weighty is a fairly elemental concept). So where is the positivity coming from.......?

Monday 26 March 2012

The week so far......

Bloody God darned frustrating....there you go; I've said it in the nuttiest of nutshells. You know what makes it all the more annoying? Whatever happens at the weigh in tomorrow I have noone to blame but myself. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! I am ashamed to say that on this Monday - six days into the week - the exercise count is precisely......zip. The week has sort of got away from me a bit, and suddenly here I am the day before the next tipping of the scales and I fear for the results........ .....again. The wheels kinda fell off before the week even started, but let me take you on a day-by-day account.....

Saturday 24 March 2012

The time is almost upon us.....

I can't believe that - almost to the day - it is only two months until the first of the 'grand slam' of runs which I am putting myself through. It is a relief, a surprise and a worry to have made it this far without giving up on the whole flipping idea. Funnily enough, there has never been a crisis which - during the course of the last nine months or so - has jeopardised my resolve to see it through. I guess that along with the more challenging runs, those pivotal moments are yet to come.
Those of you who know me, will also know to quake in their boots when they hear the phrase 'I have an idea'. Imagine then, the panic which should ensue from me saying 'I have several ideas!' which I want to share with you. This be the first, and if you are up for the challenge it involves audience parcipit......prepit....parpic.......you can join in.
As you have no doubt gathered by now, I am a bit of a cheesy music fiend. If it was number one in the UK charts during the 1980's I'll bet you a penny to a pound that it's in my itunes file. No surprise then that I will be donning the headphones and - while gasping for breath - boogying on down with my bad self for the duration of the Great Manchester 10k. This is where you lovely people come in. 'The plan' is to put - in addition to Spandau Ballet, Duran Duran and the aforementioned rama of the Bananas (other requests welcome) - some messages of encouragement on my mp3 player, and schedule them to play as I pass each kilometre milestone. I will no doubt have some family members who will want to do it, but it would be lovely if one or two - or more! - people who have been tuning in to this blog would be prepared to record something for me too. As in life, there are times when I am going to feel very tired and unsure whether I will 'make it'; and it is at just that exact moment when a kind word from you might inspire me to do just that.
I cannot tell you how grateful I am to all the people who have - at any time - read any of these words; in so doing you have already become a part of this experience, and a part of my inspiration. In no way do I expect or demand results from this request, but if just one person decides to send something, that would really be something!
Record your own words, send me a song, or both; whatever you feel you would like to do is fine by me. If you are interested, then you have a choice of how to contact me. Firstly you can message me on here by leaving a comment, or you can e-mail me direct on adyblady@live.co.uk (don't think I have given my e-mail anywhere else). Also, if you have a preference of which kilometre you would like your message to be heard (are you brave enough to spur me on at 9k, or would you prefer to wish me luck and 'bon voyage' before the race has started?), let me know. It goes without saying that your messages will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence; if you contact me through the blog your comment does not have to be published for all to see. The choice is yours!
I lost the gym battle last night, but will be there pounding the treadmill on Sunday morning. A bit of vegetable planting on Sunday afternoon (how old am I?!! what happened to getting so hammered on Saturday night I would be in bed until 4pm?!) should get the muscles burning a bit. I'm depending on just two bits of exercise this week, so not expecting huge weight loss, but hopefully some!

Thursday 22 March 2012

Weigh in (38)

Training distance so far (15.2 miles)
This week's weigh in could have been a damaging one. After exercising four (yes, count them FOUR) times this week - two badminton matches and two gym visits - it would have utterly destroyed me not to have lost any weight. Asides from a bit of naughtiness (brioche bread and butter pudding......mmmmmmmmm) when taking Mum out for lunch on Sunday, there was nothing which could be pointed at as the cause of putting any pounds on. Nevertheless, when popping myself onto the scales I did so with some trepidation.........and the results from the fatman jury are........three pounds off; weighing me in at a pleasing 16 stone 11 pounds (actually 10.6.....sooooo close to rounding down!!). Chuffed to bits I most certainly am, but this week more than ever I need to focus; another good week and I could set the all time low record (currently set at 16 stone 10 pooonds), which considering the last couple of months will constitute a right rip-roaring success. So it's a quick fist pump to celebrate (.....there we go.....) and get on with it.
Lots of positivity this week. I feel that I have now gotten over the 'newbie'-phase of going to the gym. All necessary apparatus has been used twice without incident. Okay, the leg-press settings were a bit tricky, but I think I managed to cover up my ineptitude and narrowly avoided the very real risk of being squished until my knees doubled as ear-muffs. What's more, if I leave work at 5pm and go straight to the gym, I can be showered and home before half past eight. It sounds late, but considering how long it is to drive home from work I'm happy with that. Ultimately it is a regime I am confident of maintaining.
Two things I have discovered from these gym sessions.....firstly; I really like running (bloody good thing really isn't it?)!! I know at this stage I am not running 26 miles - and when I am I will more than likely despise the FFG - but there is something about the rhythm, the simplicity, the fact that after doing something strenuous with your mind and not your body all day, you can then do something strenuous with your body and not your mind. I am not someone who studies spiritualism or alternative therapies, but I strongly believe it is a form of meditation. It also give me the chance to play my incredibly cheesy music on the good old mp3 player (one of the best inventions of the modern age). Yes.....I admit it......I was actually jogging along to the dulcet tones of Bananarama singing 'Love, Truth and Honesty'........and I knew all the words (don't worry, I didn't sing along......much). Okay.....maybe not so much meditation, and more medical help required.
The second discovery also loosely concerns Bananarama (curiouser and curiouser!). I'm not sure if it is just me, but have you noticed how difficult it is to run in one rhythm, while listening to music of a different one? Fortunately I do not have 'Flight of the Bumble Bee' in my music collection, otherwise my jogging would risk resembling a Benny Hill sketch. So what am I going to do? Yes, you guessed it; I am actually putting together a list of ideal running songs, which contain the 'right rhythm' (so far, 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love' (Queen), and 'Stop The Rock' (Apollo 440)). Hey, you may laugh; but if Paula Radcliffe had adopted this method.........
Before I forget; the two badminton matches were fun too; but that is a story for another post I think!

Thursday 15 March 2012


Training distance so far (12.6 miles)
I went!!
The war is far from over, but I won a big victory last night.......

Weigh in (37)

There be trouble at mill folks; BIG trouble. Two pounds on this week, which brings me up to 16 stone 13.8 pounds. Yes, yes, I know I should be rounding up, but I can't bring myself to utter the word sevv......en......tee.........eeeee.........; nope, sorry, just not going to happen. Before I go any further, could I just say 'I'm sorry'; to myself yes, but also to you who keep on tuning in to see how the weight loss is going, only to find out that the week has actually been a dead loss. You will be given for forgiving up (??) on me, but like I have said before, it would be a much more tedious tale if every week I lost the same amount of weight; stories only become readable stories when adversity strikes, and those adversities are conquered.
The week has been a difficult one. I think I may have mentioned before once or twice (or 48 times!) that I had an operation last Wednesday. I won't go into the nitty gritty, as I may well write a blog post devoted solely to it (won't that be fun?!!) but suffice it to say that it has has left me unable to exercise, and unable to eat anything that isn't either liquid, or at least extreeeeemely soft. Naive old Ady over here (that means me, not some bloke sat next to me called Ady) thought that these might balance out ("only being able to eat soup is not going to pile on the pounds"), but as it turns out, you can still consume a truckload of crap even within these limits. Chocolate/Banana/Vanilla and.....(what was the other one......aaah yes) strawberry milk, Belgian chocolate and butterscotch (not together, but occasionally one after the other) mousses (moussi?), and butterscotch rice pudding have been the comfort foods of choice; and by gum have I had a lot of them in the last seven days. Very, very, VERY bad. On reflection I am amazed that I got on the scales with hope and expectation rather than sheer dread. What an idiot eh?
I know that up until now I have managed to control the comfort feeding, but maybe everyone has their CF limit. I had controlled my reaction to typical events occurring in my life, but didn't account for the big one-offs which come and slap you repeatedly like a really big, wet, disgruntled kipper resulting in a trip to the naughty-fridge. I knew it was coming, but having not had an operation before I wasn't able to ready myself for the aftermath. Live and learn.
So how am I feeling right now? Angry mostly; angry at myself a little bit, angry at whatever that thing is (fate, God, randomness, Santa Claus) who decided that I should have four teeth extracted at a time when I am trying to achieve something (to me) incredible (I'm mad at him/her/it a lot by the way). I'm also worried, as I am still not 'right' healthwise; but with the weight going in the wrong direction, and the run getting closer, I can't afford to let time slip away. Plus I have the last match of the badminton season this Friday, followed by playing in the badminton cup final on Sunday; neither of which I want to miss. For the first time in seven months of doing this I am unsure of what to do, but I feel I need to do something.
So, here's the plan (okay, maybe I do know what to do, just not sure it's the right thing!). I really want to make a showing at the badminton Friday and Sunday (end of the season, promotion, cup final and all that), but going on court without doing any exercise for a fortnight is going to be a disaster. Tonight (Wednesday) will therefore - hopefully - be the long overdue inaugural trip to the gym. I truly hope I get there. I am writing this at lunchtime, and I have a habit of feeling crappy in the afternoon; meaning the gym will be last place I will want to go. At least the sports bag is packed, as if I went home first there would be not an apple's chance in a cider factory of me re-emerging before tomorrow morning. If I make it - regardless of what I do - I will feel I have achieved something. Positivity rules!    

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Weigh in (36)

Sorry fellas. I bet those nails have been chewed so far down you are drawing blood aren't ya?!! Yes, I am a week late in issuing the results of last weeks weigh in. I beg your forgiveness..................
......you haven't told me I'm forgiven yet, but I can tell you are thinking it so that's good enough for me!
To put you in the picture, this post is about the weigh in which went on LAST Tuesday (6th March), and the post for tonight's weigh in will be up later this week. Capiche? In actual fact I am doing you all a favour. Knowing how much you LOOOOOVE these weigh-in posts, you are getting two - count them.....TWO! - in the space of a few days (it's kind of like recording an episode of your favourite TV show, then waiting until the date of the NEXT episode so you can watch two in the same day.........if you're thinking that I may be over-thinking this a bit, I am thinking that your thinking is correct!)!
We left the digitals of doom showing me at 16 stone 12 pounds; and last Tuesday, in a fit of unbridled and uncontrollable consistency, I weighed in at 16 stone 12 pounds. That represents a weight loss - in case you are not blessed with subtraction skills - of precisely.........zippadeedoodaah.
In truth, I have lost 0.8 pounds; but I have the precise and detailed teachings of 'Granny' Handford (secondary school maths) to 'THANK' (gnash....mumble....GNASH.....GNASH) in concluding that 16 stone 12.4 pounds, and 16 stone 11.6 pounds both round to 16 stone 12. (I am sure Mrs Handford is now longer in this mortal coil, so I would like to state for the record that although I curse her teachings in this instance, I took maths to higher education so she couldn't have been all that bad...............but Miss O'donnell............mmmmmmmm.........that Irish temptress..........now SHE really WAS gorg.......err......think I may be straying from the point......let me just check.......errrrm........yes......I can officially confirm that I am here, and the point is over there...........)
To bring things back to planet earth for a moment, this news came with very mixed feelings. Pleased that I hadn't put any weight on, frustrated I hadn't lost enough for it to be registered as an official pound, worried that time is ticking on to the Great Manchester Run and I have not nearly enough miles under my belt yet; on top of all that was plonked the impending operation under general anaesthetic - Wednesday 7th - which pretty much consigned everything else to the 'gallic shrug' category of problems. I think that can be safely called mixed feelings, don't you?! Although it may sound like it, I wasn't in a dark place, but rather a place of too many colours. Sensory overload. Time to think.............
The conclusion was that the visit to the hospital was - in my mind - so big a thing that I couldn't see past it; it's shadow was cast over everything else I was trying to do. Until it was behind me my focus would never fully return. On accepting this, the choice then becomes one of worrying about it  (wasting energy) or getting on with it (conserving much needed energy); and I believe that would be what we call in the trade, a no-brainer.
So, be calm, be kind to myself, ride the waves which are coming for me until the calmer waters follow; then get back to what I am here to do.

Wednesday 7 March 2012


As I write this post (Tuesday), the blog hit count is showing at 999. Can you believe it??! To be quite honest, I can't. The expectations I had 35 weeks ago when I kicked this thing off were nowhere near this number for the entire journey; never mind getting to four figures (unless all you sods decide to stop reading one short of the thousand....but you wouldn't do that to me would you?.......would you?!!!......hello??...... .......HELLOOOO??!....is there anyone there.....???) before I am even halfway through. Okay, quite a few of the hits are from people who know me (SO much appreciated); and yes, about fifteen of the hits were down to me before I managed to find the 'don't count me on the hits total' button (give me a break, I was a blogging virgin; and even now am far from a blogging superstud!), but to have something you want to say - an experience you want to share - and to find that people exist around the world who want to hear it is such a simple, powerful, good feeling.
As previous posts have indicated, I am going through toothy troubles and a tiny liddle loss of direction at the moment; and I cannot think of a better inspiration than the day (probably later today in fact) I log in and see '1000' on the blog count; inspiration to stay the course and inspiration to go the distance. For this - and for every time the hit count advances by one more - I say to all the readers....

'Thank  you!'  (United Kingdom)
'Spasiba'  (Russian)
'Thank you!'  (American!)
'Danke Schoen'  (German. Sorry; couldn't find the umlauty thing to put over the 'o')
'Danke' (Swiss German)
'Paldies' (Latvian)
'Cheers Cobber' (Australian?!)
'Thank you eh' (Canadian)
'Komapsumnida' (Korean)
'Dyakooyu' (Ukrainian)

The last thirty five weeks have been fun, but stay tuned; as the next sixty or so are going to be very interesting!

Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Week So Far......

A quick update for all you lovely people. Firstly, I can absolutely, categorically and irrefutably confirm eating too much white bread (see previous post) is BAD FOR YOU. The feeling of lethargy and bloatedness which came with it has been matched only by the relief of getting it out of my system and recovering from it; I feel so much better. It would be great if I could cut (or should that be slice?) bread completely from my diet, but this may well be a bridge too far; although it is looking distinctly more possible after the advice from a certain wee person (just to clarify, named thus due to her diminutive stature, and nothing to do with incontinence......I don't think). I am just content in the knowledge that my 'normal' level of breadage won't stop me losing weight (providing I eat well and exercise much). I will be very careful not to fall into that elephant trap again.
A clear confirmation of my recovery was my performance in the badminton match on Friday; it's rare that I blow my own trumpet (don't own one anyway......not so much as a Yazoo.....hang on.....no intention of blowing Alison Moyet.......aah yes.....kazoo!) but even I have to say it is the best I have played for quite a few years. To have three club members come over and compliment me (not to mention one of the opposing ladies telling me to 'stop getting everything back!') was very satisfying. Sadly it is the only exercise I have done so far this week, I am not sure if one match will lose me any pounds in tonight's weigh-in; we'll see what the digitals of doom have for me.
That said, I am a little bit distracted this week. You remember in one of my previous posts I mentioned having to have a multiple tooth extraction under General Anaesthetic? Well, it's tomorrow, and I am SO looking forward to it.....??!!**! It's my first G.A. operation; which although is quite good considering I am in my late 30's, still gives me the collywobbles.  I truly am trying to stick to the regime - honest! - but my energies over the last week or so have been set to 'worry' rather than 'gym', so the iron has been left distinctly unpunped, and the treadmill very much untrodden. It would be handy to get a session in tonight, but I am trying not to put too much pressure on myself if I don't. Hopefully things will settle down a little after the op, and I can focus again. It has been really difficult to keep my eyes on the prize lately; and I know I am falling into the other common elephant trap of 'I'll start again after the.....blah', as that 'blah' changes to something else when the date of the first 'blah' comes and goes, but the one date that is forever fixed is that of the Great Manchester Run (May 16th). Still time to train and get myself ready for it, but time is marching on. So I have no choice; if I want to do what I am here to do (and I do!) then I HAVE to focus.
On a positive note; having to be nil by mouth (no eating) for a period of time (possible 24 hours, probably 12), followed by a sore mouth not able to chew anything will be an effective if not entirely ideal method to lose weight.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Weigh in (35)

I opened the fridge this morning, and I found a big block of cheese....and it was off....

Once I had made it into work I made a list of things to do today, and am slowly ticking them off.....

After work I think I will pop out and sort out the hedge at the back of the house, there are a number of big branches which need hacking off.....

......you see where this is going don't you?!

Yes, cheese(d) off, ticked off and hacked off (could have been worse). Add to this a starter of angry, a sour main course of annoyed and three scoops of upset, that about sums it up really. Despite exercising three times this week, I've put on two pounds. CRAP! Back to my old favourite of 16 stone 12 pounds (hello there! I've not seen you for at least a fortnight! How have you been?)
It was one of those cases of slow realisation; starting with utter shock at the fact that I had put on weight; followed by - once I had thrown my rattle out of the pram, not to mention bashing it on the side of the pram several times - thinking about what I had consumed over the last week. The Chinese takeaway on Saturday night was not the best thing to be eating, but to be honest I have lost weight in weeks when I have had one, and considering the amount of exercise I have done I thought I would be able to get away with it. Then, the penny dropped.........one word.......five letters.....................................


On Saturday morning I had a couple of slices of thick-sliced white bread left in the cupboard; Sunday morning I had my Tesco's online (how decadent!) delivery, and Mr Tesco-man brought two loaves with him; one went into the freezer, the other for the cupboard. I am ashamed to say that by the end of Tuesday I was already defrosting the second loaf. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW; bad bad BAD ADRIAN, NAUGHTY ADRIAN. I can't quite believe how I put that much bread away in such a short space of time, but on reflection I appear to have had a lot of 'cook something and make a sandwich out of it' meals. In a nutshell; lazy cooking.
I mulled over it further, and more pennies started to drop. I could not explain why I played really well in the badminton match on Friday, and really badly last night. I've been feeling tired the last few days, and for some reason my trousers are starting to 'dig in' round the waist ever so slightly. I googled the question 'what happens when you eat too much bread?' and the reply was 'you put on weight ('plink'), you feel bloated ('plonk') and your energy levels reduce considerably ('plunk'). You really don't have to be Gregory House to work that one out do you?! 
I am so annoyed with myself (does it show?). I totally lost track of what I was eating, and relied far too heavily on the fact I had lots of exercise to compensate for my excesses. It is not good when reflecting on what I have eaten comes as a surprise to me; it's like it didn't register as I was doing it. This sort of eating is what got me to nineteen stone plus in the first place.
However (you will be relieved to hear that word no doubt), it is stopping this sort of eating which has got me to sixteen stone ten; so I know I can do it. I have shown myself to be naive this week, but I have only to look back to my more successful weeks to show me what to do; eat healthy and exercise is not a choice, it is a package deal. I would like to cut out bread from my diet completely; but 'stuff' on toast is a simple and quick 'go-to' meal on nights where proper cooking is just not going to happen. So I will allow myself that; but sandwiches are a definite no-no.
Frustrating though it may be, it is not the end of the world by any means. We'll take this week one meal at a time, being very aware of what I am shoving down my cakehole. Whatever happens this week I am going to be VERY nervous at next Tuesday's weigh in!